This is a blog all about my adventures in Breastfeeding Peer Support. I want to share all the things I have learned and celebrate amazing breastfeeding Mothers and their babies.

I would like to share other peoples stories here too. Accounts of problems overcome, funny things your older children have said, strange places you have attached your baby and so on. Please email me with any stories you'd like to share with other breastfeeding Mothers. Please include what you'd like to be called (URLs ok or just a name), how old your baby was at the time and where abouts you are geographically.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

The Breast Of Times

Well, here I am on 'the other side' to tell you my adventures in the land of breastfeeding, I am here to share stories of the things I am learning and have learned and share with you my progress.

WARNING: If you have an adverse reaction to breastfeeding and it's benefits being celebrated then maybe this blog is just not for you!


  1. Good on You ... Breast is Best.. its a long while since i breast fed ..and i loved every minute of it even when my boobs were fit to bust . haha and being fair skinned and a red head the first month with very cracked nipples was difficult.. but ..they is always a way round if the determination is there ...and it was
    I have helped deliver about 500 babies and taught Mums how to breast feed, that was when Mums were in hospital long enough to get the hang of it and staff were not so thin on the ground this was in Plymouth
    Looking forwards to reading your story x

  2. Hiyaaaaaaaaa!
    Great idea for a blog. Shame you have to add the warning though :(
    Look forward to following your journey and maybe sharing a little at some point.
    From a tandem feeding mama of an almost 4 year old and a 9 month old, (and the rest lol) just about to start working as a fully paid breastfeeding supporter, woohoo!!!

  3. Oh wow, what a great idea for a blog, but it is a shame that you feel you have to separate this section from your other blog.....but from my posts during the past week, I know how some people can get offended by the silliest of things.

    Yesterday we all went out for a drive and ended up in a small country pub. I started giving Bronte a quick feed, just as the owner came over to clear the table....and with all the crushing of crisp packets, Bronte pulled off and glared at him. I hope he didn't get too much of an eyeful. I had a pretty thick jumper on, which was bunched up, so I think I yanked it down as soon as I realised what she was going to do!


  4. Hi Daisie, I'm just having a good read through both of your blogs. I've added you to my reader and will definitely be coming back! x
